The following are the list of references and links from the book (as well as additional links that have been added after publication). Hopefully this will save you some time by not having to type in the addresses, simply click on the link, view the web page and save as a bookmark/ favourite helping to keep your kids safe online.

Please help to keep Knowurrisk live and up to date by making a small donation (see side bar). All donations warmly welcomed and will go to hosting costs to keep this invaluable resource up and running,

If you find any additional links worth mentioning, please send me an email at

Also consider visiting my “Products That Help Keep U Safe Page” to browse a few recommended products.

Global/ General References



Australian References

Canadian References

Identity Theft References

Korean References

Malaysian References

New Zealand References

United Kingdom References

United States References

Child Safety Sheet – Contract with Child:

Vendor, Manufacturer and Other Online Site References:


I have provided a PDF file below that contains all worksheets from the book, simply download and then print the page or pages you need to complete the worksheet exercise:

Worksheets_The Online Parenting Safety Survival Guide_Edition One


I have provided a PDF file below that is the basis of the presentation I have been delivering across Canberra and regional NSW.

A Practical Guide To Online Parenting Presentation

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