Welcome to the blog dedicated to the book “The Online Parenting Safety Survival Guide” – a 12 month long project which was published on Amazon in November 2011.

I will also be publishing the book in a number of the more popular e-reader formats as well as providing an option to purchase the print version of the book online from within a number of countries as well as traditional book stores – stay tuned for the news.

As part of the book launch I’m currently taking requests for presentations to Australian and New Zealand community and school groups, please contact me at scott@knowurrisk.org if you would like to discuss the possibility of a presentation.

Please leave your feedback on the book (Using the Feedback Page), and remember to visit from time to time for updated information, tips and worksheets. 

Visit my FaceBook Page – https://www.facebook.com/OnlineParentingSafetySurvivalGuide and I am on Twitter @sadeacs.

The book is now available on Kindle, more details at https://amzn.to/3jmWNKQ

Update 24/May – YourOpenBook.org Reference in Book: Just a quick heads up to readers that YourOpenBook.org no longer seems to be working. Instead please use OpenBook.org and follow the exact instructions as shown on pages 167 and 168.

Update 12/Nov –  Looks like the OpenBook.org seems to also not be working; I’ll update this post when I find an appropriate and safe alternative.

Safe Browsing and remember to share your own parenting and online safety tips for others! (Send me an email and i’ll update the References page).

Thank You and Stay Safe!!

Scott Deacon – scott@knowurrisk.org

KnowUrRisk Privacy Policy – https://knowurrisk.org/home/privacy-policy/

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